I have looked at the reviews. I suggest that the posted instructions/descriptions be read thoroughly. You have to have the elgato eyetv system and its software installed on your iMac. There is no challenge to putting on the software that comes with the tuner. Next, download the eyetv app onto your iPad from the Apple store. Just follow the prompt for iphone (it covers iPad too). The ipad takes its TV input from your iMac via the n level (not g level) Apple router. The router allows you to go anywhere in the house with the iPad and your selected TV station. What fun! Any problems will be at the firewall. Of course, make sure eyetv is running on your iMac, first. Your eyetv app will sense your iMacs connection (assuming Wifi is on with your iPad) and show you what to do if it cant connect to your iMac. This is where you read and follow the steps carefully. The firewall on your iMac can be turned off if you are having trouble hooking up, but I suspect you havent turned off Stealth Mode on your firewall. Stealth mode wont let the connection through even though you have followed the instructions to allow your connection to go through otherwise. As for seeing stored programs on your iMac, you have to highlight the selection on your iMac and then press either the iPod or iPad icon at the top of the eyeTV menu to have it converted to an Apple video. Then it is exported for storage to your iPad for you to see at your pleasure. Five star for this app, users! Again, note system and hardware requirements and then follow instructions -no shortcutting, speed reading, assuming and hence complaints. It works just fine.
TheMaccollector about EyeTV, v1.2.3